Sunday, June 5, 2011

You want answers? I want the truth.

Had a few friends over and we watched A Few Good Men because nobody (save myself) had seen it. Tragic I know. Great movie - especially the sound effects, or dramatic piano music as I called it. And it reminds me of JAG - a great TV series I enjoyed with the family growing up. Although I didn't recall all the profanity - probably because I've seen the edited TV version most recently.

Something I enjoy about this movie is the way you get a little information at a time but you don't know where Cruise is going to go with it. Probably why I enjoy shows like NCIS and Bones. What are they gonna figure out next? Who could have done it? And Cruise appears to be a show off pretty boy who won't be able to get the job done - especially to Demi Moore. But he surprises us all by actually being a good lawyer!

Love the number of stars in this film. Kevin Bacon, Jack Nicholson, Cuba Gooding Jr., the guy who plays Admiral in JAG, Kiefer Sutherland. I'm sure I'm leaving others out, but I love seeing so many talented actors get together and put on a good show. And it's a military film so there are a lot of men in uniform. What's not to love about that?

Also love the part when Bacon asks someone on the stand to point out the definition of a Code Red in a handbook, but there is not reference to Code Red in any handbook. What could Cruise possibly come back with to make that point invalid? He asks the soldier on the stand to point on where the mess hall is. But, there is no mess hall shown in any handbook. Does that mean he hasn't eaten since being stationed in Cuba? Genius. Shout out to the writers!

And of course, the climax and famous quote. Jack Nicholson is fabulous in this film, as is Tom Cruise. Their interaction is perfect - Nicholson hates Cruise because he doesn't understand code or honor of following orders - he's just a Harvard Navy lawyer boy. So Cruise is able to push him far enough to admit that he ordered the code red. Really intense interaction. Love it.

You want answers? I want the truth. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.

Serious. Intense. Woah. I don't know how many times I've said that myself, but I'll never be able to say it as well as Jack Nicholson does in this movie.

I plan to stay on top of this movie list a little better now that I'm all graduated and an adult and all. When will I finish it? Good question. But I will. One day.

It's been a while, but "you had me at hello"

So it has been a while since I posted or watched a movie on my list. Never fear - I'm back! I found a great 2 movie combo - Jerry McGuire and A Few Good Men. Both have Tom Cruise and both have quotes in the top 100! Kudos to whoever decided to put those together. Great quality movies for $10 total, only at Target! (they should pay me for this advertising)

I watched Jerry McGuire first. I enjoy seeing movies with Tom Cruise before he got weird. Great message in this story - standing by your morals and beliefs despite the cost. Cruise starts out in a bad spot - he writes something giving his view on how people in his field should act and then gets fired, loses his lady and doesn't know what he is going to do. Of course, enter love interest Renee Zellweger who will stand by Cruise partly because of his new stance on business, and partly because she's in love with him and just doesn't know it yet.

Love Cuba Gooding Jr. in this film as Rod Tidwell - all he wants, as we all know because the quote is famous, is for Cruise to show him the money. Show me the money!! That whole scene cracks me up. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!! He plays his part well, but the character gets on my nerves. I wish he would've played with his heart in the game and left everything on the field earlier. I love watching athletes who love the game and that love is obvious in their actions.

Also, love Zellweger's son, Ray. He is adorable and the interactions he has with Cruise melt my heart. I'm a sucker for those scenes. Always will be.

And of course, the demanding life of a sports agent often calls Cruise away from home after he and Zellweger marry and they're relationship wasn't that strong to start with. Trouble in paradise to say the least. Which sets it up for Cruise to rush back home (during what is pretty much a male bashing group meeting) to tell his wife that he loves her. And what does she say? "You had me at hello." Beautiful. Everyone's happy. Storybook ending. Hopeless romantics rejoice.

All in all I enjoyed the movie, but of course I did - he had me at hello.